So Nyuh Shi Dae Aegyo is the best Aegyo!

So Nyuh Shi Dae Aegyo is the best Aegyo!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunny's flowing Aegyo!

 As you all know, Sunny is the Aegyo queen and as being such i thought my first theme should be all my HR sunny pictures that i find cutest. Next week is Taeyeon and so on! a little backround info on Sunny She was originally born in the US Then moved to Kuwait from Kuwait she moved to South Korea. where she lives today! Thanks for waiting on the update been on vacation for the past week just got back tonight and figured i couldnt keep the blog waiting any longer!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

SNSD HR Wallpaper's!

So having alot going on lately, it looks like im gonna have to cut down on updating my blog to every couple days now. Just got done building a new computer and alot in the RL going on but the updates should have more content now and have a theme from now on so thats a good thing!~ In other news The Power of 9 anniversary is right around the corner and my next update should have some shots from the soshified gift thread of the gifts they are sending to the girls it looks like they are sending around 6000$ worth of stuff to them and its still rising. Anyway thanks for subbing to the blog and to all my followers thank you for being patient with me and my slow updates as of late. i have around 500 MBs of SNSD wallpapers left so if u would like more i can email them too you if u supply me your email or send me one at